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Registrazione di narrazioni per i voti - Video

Non tutti i bloopers!

L'originale Giura cortometraggio incluso narrazioni voice over da Song of Songs. Ho registrato questo audio extra in una bella serata tranquilla nella mia camera da letto. Beh, una serata per lo più tranquilla, meno alcune interruzioni di Jay e di uno dei miei gatti, Isaac. Se vuoi vedere questi pezzi e outtakes dietro le quinte, puoi dare un'occhiata al Vows Outtakes & BTS qui.

However, if you would like to listen to my voice as I recite sexual bible verses, stay tuned and watch the video below. I’ve included a few silly bits in the intro, but the rest is just me practicing and recording my narrative lines.

I’m planning on doing some more audio content as this year progresses. I would like to release some audiobook/podcast style posts where I just read short stories and excerpts from sci-fi stories and erotica. If you have any recommendations, please let me know by sending me a message on Twitter!

Runtime video completo: 3:15